in the above example cant we write the negation of q statement as

q : “Not every leaf in this plant is green in colour”.

Consider the statement:

q: Every leaf in this plant is green in colour.

We need to find the negation of this statement.

The denial of a statment p is called its negation and is written as and read as 'not p'.

Negation of any statement p is formed by writing "It is not the case that..." or "It is false that...." before p or, if possible by inserting in p the word "not".

Let us consider the statement:

p: All intergers are rational numbers.

The negation of this statement is:

: It is not the case that all integers are rational numbers.


: It is false that all integers are rational numbers.


: At least one integer is not a rational numbers.

You have written the negation of the given statement as 

: Not every leaf in this plant is green in colour.

This is incorrect.

We can read the negation of a statement as not q, and the negation of the given statement should be

: It is false that every leaf in this plant is green in colour.

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