In the figure below, ABCDEF is regular hexagon.

Prove that ACE is an equilateral triangle.

The given figure is a regular hexagon, so all its angles are equal in measure.

Number of sides of a regular hexagon = 6

We know that the sum of the angles of a polygon with n sides = (n 2) × 180°

Sum of the angles of the regular hexagon = (6 2) × 180°

= 4 × 180° 

= 720°

Let the measure of each angle of the given regular hexagon be x°.

6x = 720°

x = 120°

In ΔFEA, by angle sum property, we have:

AFE +FEA + EAF = 180° …(1)

FE = FA (All sides of a regular hexagon are equal in length)

⇒∠FEA = FAE (Angles opposite to equal sides are equal in measure)

Putting in equation (1):

AFE + 2FEA = 180°

120° + 2FEA = 180°

2FEA = 60°

⇒∠FEA = 30°

Similarly, DEC = DCE = BCA = BAC = FAE = 30°

As FED = 120° 

⇒ ∠FEA + AEC + CED = 120°

30° + AEC + 30° = 120°

60° + AEC = 120°

⇒∠AEC = 60°

Similarly, ACE = EAC = 60°

Thus, ΔAEC is an equilateral triangle.

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