In the following paragraph one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the words that come before and after it. The first one has been done as an example. When thinking of first ever iPod e.g of the first more a decade ago, Jobs realised that (a) _____ ____ _____ what would increase the attraction such a device to (b) _____ ____ _____ The consumers was a way for to buy (c) _____ ____ _____ music in seamless way. (d) _____ ____ _____

a something b attract
c good d without any problem
  • 0
It seems incorrect. There are some gramatical errors in the question.
  • 0
  • -1
A. More than a B.attraction of such Test fo not know
  • 2
C consumers WHO was .D. in A seamless
  • 0
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