In Triangle ABC. 2A-2B+3C=100 , A+5B-2C=360.Find the angles.. Please, Its Urgent,,PLSPLS

We know that the sum of angles of triangle is 180 degree.
A+B+C = 180 ...(i)2A-2B+3C = 100 ...(ii)A+5B-2C = 360 ...(iii)
Subtracting (iii) from (i) we get;
A+B+C-A-5B+2C = 180-360-4B+3C = -1804B-3C = 180 ...(iv)
Multiplying (i) by 2 and then subtracting (ii) from (i) we get;
2A+2B+2C-2A+2B-3C = 360-1004B-C = 260 ...(v)
Now subtracting (v) from (iv) we get;
4B-3C-4B+C = 180-260-2C = -80C = 40
putting the value of C in (v) we get;
4B-40 = 2604B = 300B = 75
So from (i) we have;
A = 180-75-40 = 180-115 = 65
Therefore A = 65°; B = 75° and C = 40°.

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