In trianglePQR ; X,Y and Z are respectively the mid points of sides PQ , QR and PR. If ar (triangle XPZ) = 12 cm2 , find ar( triangle ZYR)

Answer :

We have our diagram , As :

Here X , Y and Z are respectively the mid points of sides PQ , QR and PR.
Area of XPZ  =  12 cm2
As given X  and Z are respectively the mid points of sides PQ and PR. So , from conserve of mid point theorem , we get

XZ  | |  QR 
PXXZ = PQQRPXXZ = 2 PXQR           (  As given X is mid point of PQ )1XZ = 2QRXZ = QR2And QY =  YR  = QR2           (  As given Y is mid point of QR )So,XZ  =  QY  =  YR             ---- (1 )

In PXZ and ZYR 

PZ  =  ZR                                      (  As given Z is mid point of PR )

PZX  =  ZRY             (  Corresponding angles as we know XZ  | | QR and take PR as transversal line )

XZ  =  YR                                   ( From equation 1 )

PXZ ZYR        ( By SAS rule )


Area of   PXZ  =  Area of   ZYR       , As we know congruent triangle have same area .
Area of   ZYR  =  12 cm2                                      ( Ans )

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