'Industrialisation brought a rapid changes in the 18 th century in European countries'. Explain it.

 Dear Student,

 The following points may help you with regard to social cultural change:

a. With the growth of industrial towns and cities, there was a huge migration of people from the rural areas in search of better job opportunities. The city came to be comprised of large number of industries, factories.
b. There was a substantial  increase in its population and increased migration of people.There was increased demand for housing by the migrant population which resulted in the growth of slums and cheap and unsafe tenements. 
c. Industrial city was marked by great economic and social disparities with poverty becoming highly evident.

 d. The industrial revolution saw the rise of new social groups, middle class comprising of industrialists, businessmen,  professionals who  believed in the social structure that was based on merit and not birth.
 e  There was increased in its industrial labour force , with most of them working under terrible conditions.
f. With industrial revolution, we witnessed a change in the condition of peasants, there was increased  trade and commercial relations among them with urban centres.
​g. Industrial revolution also  impacted the class structure as it ended the old social division and resulted in the rise of new middle class.

h. It did bring about a change in the value system which was earlier based on community based living.
i. As private sphere came to be regarded as the realm of women, as public for men , gradually women moved by the spirit of individualism, freedom liberty organised themselves in various movements demanding recognition, right to work, right to employment and other civil and political rights.
j. The family over a period of time consisted of smaller units, with less family members away from a communitarian, joint family system towards independent  nuclear system.Emotional bonding among the members reduced.
k. Traditional hierarchies began to break, industrialisation offered job opportunities to women.
l. Availability of domestic maids lessened the work load of women of upper and middle class.
As women  worked, employed they  felt alienated from their homes and developed isolation The institution of marriage began to breakdown.
n. With industrialisation  there was a change in the entire value system . It came to be characterised with values of liberty, individual spirit, merit, fair play, equality of work etc.
The industrial city  created opportunities for leisure and recreation for the people.





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