Information about neurons

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Neurons is a longest nerve in human body. It provide imformation to the brain.
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Neurons are the nerve cell . Which are have a central nucleus in cyton and they are the longest as don't divide as they don't have centroil cell organell which help in division . Secondly they transmit msg from brain to organ and organ to brain
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Special types of cells which conduct impulses from one place to another place in the body is called 'neurons'.Neurons are the structural and functional units of the nervous system.Neurons are also called nerve cell and this is the largest cells in the human body,may measure up to a few metres in lengths.
There are 3 types of neurons.
1)Sensory neurons
2)Motor neurons
3)Association neurons
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neurons is very important in our body.neurons called as nerve cell.nerve cell is conducted impulses and these impulses transfer to one neuron to other. 2. neurons is largest cell in body which is length is few meter. 3.neurons is coducted special electro impulses. 4.neurons have basically 4 to 5 parts. 5.axon,cyton, schewan's capsule ,dendtrites,nucleus,cell body etc.
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Special types of cells which conducte impulses from one place to another in the body is alled NEURONS
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