ink gland is a feature of which phylum?

Ink gland is present in some squids of phylum MOLLUSCA for offence and defence. When the squid is attached, it emits a cloud of inky fluid through its siphon. This SMOKE SCREEN interferes with the visual and chemoreceptor of the predators and thereby helps squid to escape. Ex: Loligo, octopus,sepia ,etc
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ink gland is usually present  in mollusca -class cephalopoda have charateristics feature of ink glands .
examples: octopus 
                giant squid

for the protection against they prey they have developed special organ 
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An ink gland is anatomical feature the is found in many cephalopod mollusks. This gland produces cephalopod ink which is released by the mollusks as their defence measure.
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