Integers question please solve

Marks obtained for 1 right answer = +3
Marks obtained for 1 wrong answer = −2
i) Marks scored by Rita = 20
Marks obtained for 12 correct answers = 12 × 3 = 36
Marks obtained for incorrect answers
= Total score − Marks obtained for 12 correct answers
= 20 − 36 
= −16
Marks obtained for 1 wrong answer = −2
Thus, number of incorrect answers = (−16) ÷(−2) = 8
Therefore, the number of incorrect answers made by Rita = 8
(ii) Marks scored by Savita = −5
Marks obtained for 7 correct answers = 7 × 3 = 21
Marks obtained for incorrect answers
= Total score − Marks obtained for 7 correct answers
= − 5 − 21
= −26
Marks obtained for 1 wrong answer = −2
Thus, number of incorrect answers = (−26) ÷(−2) = 13
So, the number of incorrect answers made by Savita = 13

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