Ions are more stable than atoms , Give reason ?

Because atoms by themselves, usually don't have a complete electron layer, so in order to have 8 outer electrons in their electron layer, they gain or lose electrons and become ions.
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Because atoms by themselves, usually don't have a complete electron layer, so in order to have 8 outer electrons in their electron layer, they gain or lose electrons and become ions.
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I have
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The ions so arrange themselves that the positive and negative charges alternate and balance one another out. Sodium chloride is a solid food additive that is more stable than either of its constituent parts, all because the outermost energy levels of its atoms are filled with electrons.
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Ions are more stable than atoms because ions have completed there octet whereas atoms octet may be completed or may not
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Atoms are neutral therefore we can say that they are stable. In the case of electronic configuration of ions, they are more stable than atoms. Explanation Atoms are generally stable. But, if there is a loss in their stability, they take or give electrons to gain this stability and therefore form ions. This means both atoms and ions are stable. While atoms are stable by default whereas ions become stable by loss or gain of electrons.
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Ions are more stable because their valence shell is fulfilled and therefore no sharing or bonding of electrons take place. While atoms do not have fulfilled valance shell and so, Ions are considered more stable.  
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Ions are more stable than atoms. This is because ions have their octet rule maintained i.e. the outermost shell of the ion is completely filled thus the electronic configuration of ions is more stable than that of atom.
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So friends i have a better one... **The ions are formed when a electron acquires a mutual sharing of electron to form positive or negative ions so in order to gain stability or to acquire noble gas configuration a atoms shares or donates its electrons to form an ion...thos it has its its octet or outermost shell completely filled and it is stable...whereas all the atoms containing different numbers of electrons are not completely filled their outermost shells so they are not stable ....plzzzz give jt a thumbs uppl.
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Ions are more stable than atoms because except the atoms of inert gases,the outermost shell of the atom is incomplete. In order to complete octet ,they lose or gain electrons.
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Ions are more stable than atoms because ions have completed there Octet or deuplet but atom may not..
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Ions are more stable than atoms ,Give reason ?
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