Is it a article

Is it a article Nagaur man breaks 'roza' to donate blood ——•tirnesgroop-corn Ashraf Khan. who is pre- red blood transfu si o n. She paring to join the Indian Ar- was admittedtoa government hospital in Sujangarh WIIen millions of my, came across a mes• Muslims are fasting during sageonSaturdayonaso- of Ramzan. a 22•ye- media platform. re- ar-o]d man from Ladnun town questing blood for a Nagaur district broke his woman. identified as Sa- e- •roza (fast) to donate blood to vitriDevL a pregnant woman. who had The woman Was in Ch uru d istrict. "I saw the message with the number of a person who urgently re- quired B- blood for his sister-in •law I immedia- developed complications in pregnant and had low hae- telycontacted the person and. moglobin level which requi- initially, told them that I can her pregnancy come in the evening 1 was fasting. But the family mem• bers of the woman that the doctors had them to arrange for the immediately as she had loped Some said Ashraf while TOI Sunday b'Won•t hesitate'. P 4

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