Is the ghost described by iswaran and seen by mahendra real and according to my opinion it was real as it was seen my mahendra and he just suggested himself that iswaran ticked him????

Dear Student,

This is an opinion based question. I have provided my opinion below. Feel free to share your thoughts on the question that Did Mahendra really observed a ghost?

Mahendra reprimands Iswaran and says that ghosts don't exist. On a full moon night, he woke up from his rest as he heard somebody crying. At first, he imagined that it was a feline which was chasing mice yet as the sound became more intense and harsher, he was enticed to peep out of the window. In the white evening glow, he saw a dim, obscure figure holding a package in its arms. At first, he got terrified however conquered it as he felt that his intuitive personality had played a trick on him. The following day, the nearness of the apparition was affirmed by Iswaran and Mahendra understood that had he really observed a ghost the earlier night.


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