Is there is any mistake in speach on the topic of Benefits of early rising

Corrections are as follows:
1. Spellings: generations, benefits, riser, listening.
2. Sentence structure: The youth today like to sleep late and get up rather late in the morning.
                                    Set an alarm in the clock.
                                   As you see, the benefits are mentioned in the last line: healthy, wealthy and wise!
                                   A person who goes early to bed gets complete rest and wakes up feeling fresh, confident, cheerful and                                    ready to take on the world.
                                  And at last, I wish to reiterate that rising early is beneficial for students!
3. Add more points please: fresh air in the morning, calm and peaceful environment before the hustle and bustle of the day starts, time for exercise and yoga, etc.

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You must greets teachers first rather than friends.
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Is there is any mistake
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