It is up to us to keep our environment clean and safe by reusing and reducing as, well as recycling. Reducing waste means to fix things instead of throwing them away. Reusing items, instead of tossing them into the trash, can lessen our waste and save resources 
Read the situations below. Write a way that each item can be reused. Instead of being thrown away. Be creative.
1. A shelf broke and several ceramic plates broke into pieces. 
2. The cushion on your chair is ripped and the stuffing is coming out. 
3. You outgrew your bicycle and no longer ride it. 
4. Uncle Frank just revealed that he has a shed full of old shirts that he has since he was 6 years old. 

Dear Student,
  1. Broken shelf and ceramic plates
The broken pieces can be glued to a waste cardboard or wooden block and painted to make an artistic show-piece. The pieces can also be pasted on an old vase to make it look like new.
  1. Ripped cushion and stuffing coming out
The stuffing can be used to make new cushions. It can also be used to stuff toys and give them a new look.
  1. You outgrew your bicycle and no longer ride it
The bicycle can be donated to an orphanage or even given to a kid in your neighbourhood who will be fit to ride it.
  1. Old shirts
Old clothes can be used in a variety of ways. They can be used to make new clothes table covers and cushion covers. They can also be used to make decorative hangings using some other materials like beads,laces etc. 



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