Jan ka andolan Samas is janandolan or Jan-andolan?
i have checked for the word janandolan in google, Hindi dictionaries, but there is no such word anywhere.....but when we check Jan-andolan, we get the meaning in Hindi as people’s movement....
so which one is correct? Is Jan-andolan correct?
experts pls answer correctly as this is one of my biggest doubts......

आपके प्रश्न के लिए हम अपने विचार दे रहे हैं। आप इनकी सहायता से अपना उत्तर पूरा कर सकते हैं।

जन का आंदोलन – जनांदोलन - तत्पुरुष समास

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janandolan as one word is correct...
tatpurush samas
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But there is no such one word in Hindi dictionaries 
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Experts pls answer
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Some experts have given the answer as Jan-andolan but some have given as janandolan....which is correct
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