judge : what are you charged with?

prisoner:sir doing my diwali shopping early.

judge:but thats not an offence ! and how early were you exactly doing it?

prisoner well sir to avoid rush i thought it would be better if i completed it before the store opened.

the judge being in a good mood before the diwali fetival asked the prisoner a _____ the prisoner sensing his good mood politely replied b______________ .the surprised judge declared that it wasn"t an offence .he further inquired c____________ humbly the prsioner replied d_____________

plzz help tomoorow is my exam we have to complete the pasage what procedure it follow plz telllll fast

Here is the required paragraph on the given dialogue:


The judge, being in a good mood before the Diwali festival, asked the prisoner a question on what he had been charged with. The prisoner sensing his good mood politely replied that he had been charged for doing his Diwali shopping early. The surprised judge declared that it wasn't an offence. He further inquired on how it was being done to which humbly the prisoner replied that he thought in order to avoid rush, it was better if he completed it before the store opened. 


Happy to help!

  • -2

a)what he had been charged with

b) that he had been accused of  doing his diwali shopping early
c)exactly how early the prisoner had been doing it .
d)that he thought it would be better if he had completed his shopping before the store opened to avoid the rush .

Hope I helped =D 

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