Justify Title "Discovering Tut - The Saga Continues"

The title 'Discovering Tut-The Saga Continues' is justified by the fact that the legacy of the young pharaoh who died early under mysterious circumstances has continued to flourish even after thousands of years. In spite of the mummy having been discovered by Howard Carter,there was a lot that was unexplained so the discovery had not yet stopped. The team of experimenters were trying to ascertain the cause of Tut's death and they realized that there was an aura around this young pharaoh's death. Tourists  would be reverential and pay their respects when they came to see the tomb, the legends around Tut were so potent in their import that it had managed to captivate the attention of people for a long long time. So the saga was not over yet,it would continue to enthrall people as it was already doing.

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in this chapter we have been told about how the mystery of tut 's death has been tried to unveal but there has been no concrete answers till now. therefore, discovering the truth about tut 's death continues...

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in this story we had seen that how a young legendary egpytian pharaoh named Tut died mysteriously, but after his death also the research to find the real truth is still continuing which seems to continue untill or unless the truth is in front of the whole world

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