kailash measured the angles of three quadrilaterals as given below. some of the measurements are correct and some are wrong. state which of the measurements are correct and incorrect.
(i) quadrilateral ABCD:angle 60 degree,angle B =90 degree, angle C = 126 degree, angle D = 54 degree


Please find below the solution to the asked query:

Here we have measurements for only one quadrilateral ABCD ,  As :

i ) A =  60° , B =  90°  , C =  126° and D =  54°

We know from angle sum property of quadrilateral that sum of all four internal angles are 360° .

In quadrilateral ABCD we get

A + B + C  +  D =  360°  , Substitute given values we get

60°  + 90°  + 126°  + 54° = 360°

330°  360° 

Here we can see that sum of all four angles are not equal to 360° .

So, given measurements  are wrong for quadrilateral ABCD .

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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