Kindly explain the beloe problem how it is Bijective function

1 The fnction f: R -R ,defined by f(x) =2x+1

2 f:N to N defined by f (n) =2n is one-one but not onto

3 Function R to R defined by f ( x) =x square

Here what is the domain set,image set and codomain Kindly explain taking some elements

f(x) = 2x+1
let x1 , x2R such that f(x1)=f(x2)
therefore the function is one-one.
now y=2x+1x=y-12 which is defined for all yR
thus the function is onto.
therefore f(x) =2x+1  is bi-jective function.
​let n1 ,n2N such that f(n1)=f(n2)
2n1=2n2n1=n2 therefore the function is one-one.
since for all the odd numbers in N , we do not have the pre-image in N.
only the pre-image of even number exist , therefore the function is not onto.
the given function is f:RR; f(x)=x2.
since it is defined for all real number ,therefore domain = R.
co domain is R.
and the range is positive real number R+

hope this helps you

  • -6

not yet received answer

Kindly explain

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