Kiya and Leela are partners sharing profit in ratio 3 : 2 .Kiran was admitted as a new partner with 1/5th share in profit and bought 24000 as her share of goodwill premium that was credited to capital account of Kiya and leela respectively with rs.18000 and 6000. calculate new profit sharing ratio

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  • 17
The new profit sharing ratio will be 12:8:5

Let the total share be 1
kiya and leela share will be 1- 1/5= 4/5

kiya new share = 3/5 * 4/5 = 12/25

leela new share = 2/5 * 4/5 = 8/25

kiran share = 1/5 * 5/5 = 5/25
  • 12
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