Law of diminishing marginal utility will operate even if consumption takes place in intervals defect or refute.

Dear Student,
This statement is Refuted.  It is an aaumption that there must be continuity in the consumption and It is assumed that the quality of the commodity remains uniform during the period of consumption.

For Example: If you like chocolates that first chocolate you eat is amazing. The second chocolate is good, that third chocolate is a little bit too sweet, that fourth chocolate makes you a bit sick, that fifth chocolate hurts your stomach… But if you eat fourth chocolate next day it will surely provide utility like first one. 

So, it is necessary to consume continuously for law of diminishing MU.


  • -1
The given statement is refuted. Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility will only operate when the consumption is a continuous process. For example - if one pizza is consumed in morning and another in afternoon, then the second pizza may provide same or higher satisfaction as compared to the first one.
  • 9
No;the law of Marginal utility will not operate if consumption is at intervals because its an assumption to be taken that consumption is a continuous process.For eg to determine MUx of a good(say sweets) we will come to know about it only when we consume 1unit,2 units of good and so on. We measure MUx at each unit .The law would become meaningless when there is break in consumption .
  • 7
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