ldentify the term highlighted in the following statement.
a) It aims to determine the number and types of employees
b) It helps in overall growth of employees. c) It aims to create a pool of prospective job candidates. d) It refers to shifting an employee from a lower a higher job position to job position.
e)In this sour?e of recruitment, the organization are
candidates from outside the invited to fill the vacancie

(a) WORKLOAD ANALYSIS - In workload analysis, we calculate the number and types of employees required to perform a job.
(b) TRAINING - When employees get properly trained than there will be over all development of the employees and they work with minimum wastage.
(c) RECRUITMENT - It is the process of searching a best candidate for a particular job and instigate them to apply for it.
(d) PROMOTION - It is the process where an employee get upward movement from lower position to higher position.
(e) EXTERNAL SOURCE OF RECRUITMENT - Where an organisation search for the candidate outside the organisation.

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