Let a b c be three vectors having magnitude 1,1 and 2 respectively. If ax(axc)+b=0,then acute angle between a and c is

askiitians.com 0 Home » Forum » Vectors » Let a, b and c be three vectors with... Let a, b and c be three vectors with magnitudes 1, 1 and 2 respectively. If ax(axc) + b = 0, then the acute angle between a and c is? 11 months ago Answers : (1) Given |a|= 1, |b|= 1, |c|= 2 Now a x( a x c) + b = 0 (a.c)a - (a.a) c = -b (1.2 cos@) - c = - b 2 cos@ a = c -b (1) 2 cos@ a.a = (c-b)a 2 cos @ = c.a - b.a 2 cos@ = 1.2 cos@ - a.b Hence a.b = 0 Again from (1) 2 cos@ a.b = (c-b).b = c.b - b.b 0 = c.b -1 b.c = 1 (2) Now squaring (1) 4 cos²@ a² = c² + b² - 2b.c 4 cos²@ = 4 +1 - 2 Cos² @ = ¾ Cos @ = \large \sqrt3/2 Hence @ = \large \pi/6
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