list the differences between a US farmer and an indian farmer?


Have small plots land  upto 1.5 hect. than compared to US farmer.

Use poor machinery and most of the  work is done manually.

 Do not have proper storage facility.

Works like a  peasant farmer.

US Farmer

Have very large plots of land about 250 hect.

Use rich machinery and don't need more man to do work.

Have vast storage compounds.

Works like a business man not like a peasant farmer.

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indian farming

  • labor intensive 
  • mostly subsistence farming 
  • nearly 60% of population is dependent on farming 
  • most farms are rainfed.


american farming:

  • machine intensive
  • mostly commercial farming
  • less than 3% of population is dependent on farming
  • most farms are irrigated.

Both countries give subsidies t their farmers but US subsidies are way more than Indias (hence the Doha round dipute)

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 (1) In India farmers live very far away from there farms so it takes time to get to there farm and in the USA farmers stay very near to there farm.

(2) In India land is very less land is available with the farmers and in the USA large amount on land is available with farmers.

(3) In India electricity is not easily available in villages whereas in the USA there is no problem of electricity.

(4) In India farmers don 't have additional income from dairies and piggery 's whereas USA farmers have additional income from these fields.

(5) In India easy loan is not available which effects the life of the farmers whereas in the USA easy loan is available.

(6) In India the connectivity of food grain market is poor whereas In the USA connectivity of food grain market much better.

(7) In India farming is treated as livelihood by farmers whereas in the USA it is treated as business.

These are the reasons of difference in lifestyle of Indian farmers as compare to the American farmers.

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The difference between the Indian farmers and USA farmers is that Indian farmers use traditional method while USA farmers use modern methods. 

They even use modern machinary while we copy from them

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@ aaptha saroja please refer to answer given by our friends

@other keep posting...nice efforts...

  • 0'am.

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Indian farmerUS farmer
Does not reside in the fieldsresides in the farms
Depends on labour intensive methodsDepends on capital intensive methods
Depends on the advice of friends and relativesDepends on the advice of state sponsored professionals
More like an agriculturalistMore like a businessman
  • 3

A Farm in India
There is a small village Adilabad in Ghazipur district of
Uttar Pradesh. Munna Lal is a small farmer in this village
who has farmland of about 1.5 hectares. His house is in
the main village. He purchases high yielding varieties of
seeds from the market every alternate year. The
land is fertile and he grows atleast two crops
in a year which are normally wheat or rice and
pulses. The farmer takes advice of his friends
and elders as well as government agricultural
officers regarding farming practices. He takes
a tractor on rent for ploughing his field, though
some of his friends still use traditional method
of using bullocks for ploughing. There is a
tubewell in the nearby field which he takes on
rent to irrigate his field.
Agriculture 47
Munna Lal also has two buffaloes and few hens. He
sells milk in the cooperative store located in the nearby
town. He is a member of the co-operative society which
also advises him on the type of fodder for his animals,
safety measures to protect the health of the livestock
and artificial insemination.
All the members of the family help him
in various farm activities. Sometimes, he
takes credit from a bank or the agricultural
co-operative society to buy HYV seeds and
He sells his produce in the mandi located
in the nearby town. Since majority of the
farmers do not have lack storage facilities,
they are forced to sell the produce even
when the market is not favourable to them.
In recent years, the government has taken
some steps to develop storage facilites.

A Farm in the USA
The average size of a farm in the USA is much
larger than that of an Indian farm. A typical
farm size in the USA is about 250 hectares.
The farmer generally resides in the farm.
Some of the major crops grown are corn,
soyabean, wheat, cotton and sugarbeet.
Joe Horan, a farmer in the Midwest USA, in
Iowa State owns about 300 hectares of land.
He grows corn on his field after making sure
that soil and water resources meet the needs
of this crop. Adequate measures are taken to control
pests that can damage the crop. From time to time
he sends the soil samples to a soil testing laboratory
to check whether the
nutrients are sufficient or
not. The results help Joe
Horan to plan a scientific
fertiliser programme. His
computer is linked to the
satellite which gives him
a precise picture of his
field. This helps him to
Fig 4.17: Spray of Pesticides use chemical fertilisers
Fig 4.16: A Farm in the USA
Fig 4.15: An Agricultural Field in India
48 resources And development
1. Answer the following questions.
(i) What is agriculture?
(ii) Name the factors influencing agriculture?
(iii) What is shifting cultivation? What are its disadvantages?
(iv) What is plantation agriculture?
(v) Name the fibre crops and name the climatic conditions required for their
2. Tick the correct answer.
(i) Horticulture means
(a) growing of fruits and vegetables (b) primitive farming
(c) growing of wheat
(ii) Golden fibre refers to
(a) tea (b) cotton (c) jute
(iii) Leading producers of coffee
(a) Brazil (b) India (c) Russia
3. Give reasons.
(i) In India agriculture is a primary activity.
(ii) Different crops are grown in different regions.
4. Distinguish between the followings.
(i) Primary activites and tertiary activities
(ii) Subsistence farming and intenstive farming.
5. Activity
(i) Collect seeds of wheat, rice, jowar, bajra, ragi, maize, oilseeds and pulses
available in the market. Bring them to the class and find out in which type
of soil they grow.
(ii) Find out the difference between the life style of farmers in the USA and
India on the basis of pictures collected from magazines, books, newspapers
and the internet.
Fig 4.18: Mechanised Harvesting in the USA
and pesticides wherever they are required.
He uses tractors, seed drills, leveller, combined harvester and thresher to perform
various agricultural operations. A grains are
stored in the automated grain storage or
despatched to market agencies. The farmer
in USA works like a businessman and not
like a peasant farmer.

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@cooll shivani thanks a lot! helped for my holiday homeork

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in india farmers were not allowed to go toilet in the absence of farming where as usa were go toilet ..... purrr...[purr...
  • -3
Indian's traditional American's-modern
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Thanks shivan they helped in my daughter's homework
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thats true everythhing that shivani said and that means a lot comming from me a girl who was in U.S. until 5th grade
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Farmer in India usually grow only two to three crops in a year. examples:-like rice, potato and etc.... Farmer in USA grow more than 3 crops in a year. example:- soyabean, beetroot and etc...

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Please find this answer

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1.Indian farmers are illiterate,poor but in USA,they are literate,rich person.
2 .Indian farmers cultivate in small areas but in USA,they cultivate in large areas.
3.Indian farmers do it by traditional methods but in USA,they use modern methods.
4.Indian farmers used subsistence farming but usa's farmers used commercial farming.
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OK brother/sister this may help you

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Give notes agriculture mental
  • -1
1.The US farmer have no land to Grow
Crops and they have not full of fresh Air and fresh water to grow the plant

2.the Indian farmer have full of fresh air and water to grow plant
There was many different between US farmer and Indian farmer
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Ripon shaikh phd Mumbai Maharashtra

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class 8 science syllabus
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Class 8 syllabus plz
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Find out the difference between the life style of farmers in the USA and India on the basis of pictures collected from magazines, books, newspapers and the internet
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I don't know
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any three type of

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The study about fish
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the science or practice of Farming including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food and other products
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Please find this answer

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In US farm ,
.the size of farm is large
. owners house is in the farm
.the farmer uses tractor seed drill harvester and all kinds of modern agriculture machinery.

In India
.here size of land is comparatively small
. owners lives in main village and travel to the farm every day
.the farmer take tractor on rent and mall still rely on traditional bullocks for ploughing the land
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?(1) In India farmers live very far away from there farms so it takes time to get to there farm and in the USA farmers stay very near to there farm.

(2) In India land is very less land is available with the farmers and in the USA large amount on land is available with farmers.

(3) In India electricity is not easily available in villages whereas in the USA there is no problem of electricity.

(4) In India farmers don 't have additional income from dairies and piggery 's whereas USA farmers have additional income from these fields.

(5) In India easy loan is not available which effects the life of the farmers whereas in the USA easy loan is available.

(6) In India the connectivity of food grain market is poor whereas In the USA connectivity of food grain market much better.

(7) In India farming is treated as livelihood by farmers whereas in the USA it is treated as business.

These are the reasons of difference in lifestyle of Indian farmers as compare to the American farmers.
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If farm is setup for the sole purpose of producing crops with the sole intention of making a profit is called COMMERICAL FARMING
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