List/write the meanings of the idioms given below:

  • ​to cry over spilt milk
  • at the drop of a hat
  • to bark up the wrong tree
  • to bide your time
  • blessing in disguise
  • to feel under the weather
  • to bury the hatchet 
{Please don't provide any certified answer for this ... I want only the subject relevant experts to answert this} 

Dear student,

The answers are as follows:
  1. to cry over spilt milk - to dwell on something which is lost or gone
  2. at the drop of a hat - to agree or do something without any delay/ immediately
  3. to bark up the wrong tree - to make an incorrect choice or do something futile/ wrong
  4. to bide your time - to wait for the right opportunity to do something
  5. blessing in disguise - something that is favourable happens by chance
  6. to feel under the weather - to feel ill/ sick
  7. to bury the hatchet - to forget grudges and be friends again

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Cry over spilt milk ;  Ask  for something that is already lost
At the drop of a hat : in a few seconds
To bark up the wrong tree :doing something which is note the right one
to bide your time: to spend time correctly
blessing in disguise : something that is in advantage for you in an anonymous way
to feel under the weather : to know someone or something closely
To burry the hatchet: to hide something

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