Lithium, sodium and potassium form a Dobereiner’s triad. The atomic masses of lithium and potassium are 7 and 39 respectively. Predict the atomic mass of sodium.

Let us take example of three elements (triads): Lithium, Sodium and Pottasium

Atomic mass of lithium = 7
Atomic mass of Potassium = 39
Sum of the atomic masses of lithium and potassium = 7 + 39 = 46
Average of their atomic masses =


Therefore, the atomic mass of sodium = average of the atomic mass of lithium and potassium = 23.

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@sushree I appreciate u .
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Atomic mass of Lithium = 7
Atomic mass of Potassium = 39

Atomic mass of sodium = Average of the atomic masses of lithium and potassium
 Average of atomic masses =
 therefore, atomic mass of sodium = 23
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