look at this picture and write a sentence of each type to describe what is happening in this picture. a) Command b) Statement c)Question d)Request e)Exclamation

look at this picture and write a sentence of each type to describe what is happening in this picture. a) Command b) Statement c)Question d)Request e)Exclamation at this pictul Write a sentence of each type to descril the picture.

Dear student,

1. Command: Do not pluck the flowers.
2. Statement: The children, a boy and a girl, are in the park with their father.
3. Question: What is this flower called, father?
4. Request: Please let me also play wth the balloon.
5. Exclamation: What a wonderfully sunny day it is!


  • 3
a- let me play
b-please ! I want to play
c- can I play
  • -1
What are you looking for?