Man has turned the world into a Global Village . Explain

 Global village is a term coined by Wyndham Lewis in his book America and Cosmic Man (1948). However, Herbert Marshall McLuhan also wrote about this term in his book The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man (1962). His book describes how electronic mass media collapse space and time barriers in human communication, enabling people to interact and live on a global scale. In this sense, the globe has been turned into a village by the electronic mass media. 

Today, the global village is mostly used as a metaphor to describe the Internet and World Wide Web 

People can see each other, chat and talk as if they are physically present. As far as communication and the dissemination of information is concern distance is not a concern. News travels so fast as if we are all living together in one small village. Hence, the statement that the world has become a global village is true. 

Technological advancement in the developed and developing world has not spread to the underdeveloped countries. People in the underdeveloped countries are worried about their survival. Basic necessities like food, water and shelter are the top most priority in these places. In this regard the statement that the world has become a global village is not true. In some parts of the world electricity is not there even today. Internet, television and latest technological developments have not reached people in these remote places. 


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man has turned the world into gobal village explain
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man has turned the world into golobal village
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man has turned the world in to a global village explain
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