Manoj,Shekhar and Mayank are fast friends.On a holiday ,manoj's father gave him a piece of work. He was about to start the work,Shekhar and Mayank reached his home. They both helped manoj to finish the work. Manoj did1/3,Shekhar did2/5 and Mayank did the remaining work.
a) What part of the work was done by Manoj and Shekhar together?
b) what part of the work was done by Mayank?

c)who did the maximum part of the work?

Represent the total amount of work with the number 1.It is given that Manoj did 13 part of work and Shekhar did 25 partof the work.a  The amount of work done by Manoj and Shekhar together is,     13+25=5+615                   =1115b   The amount of work done by Mayank alone is,      1-1115=15-1115                    =415c   Compare both the farctions.Note that 1115>415So the maximum work was done by Manoj and Shekhar

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(a) Manoj and Shekhar do = 1/5 + 2/5 = 3/5.
(b) Mayank done = 5/5 - 2/5 + 1/5 = 5/5 - 3/5 = 2/5
(c) Mayank and Shekhar done maximun part of work

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