Mention at least three specialties of hosahalli as highlighted by the author in the chapter Ranga's Marriage.

Dear Student, 

The unique qualities of Hosahalli described by the narrator were :

1. Hosahalli did not find a mention in geography books or maps.
2. The sourness of the raw mangoes of Hosahalli made them unique.
3. The beautiful flowers of the creepers growing in the village ponds were described as special by the narrator. The leaves of the creepers were used for serving food.  
4. The high social quotient of the people of Hosahalli was one of its special features.

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Ite lake fruits and people
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1. It had mangoes that were very sour.
2. People were quite conservative and thought that if someone goes to study outside their village that person changes.
3. It had a small pond to take bath in.
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