Mention some of the restrictions imposed on the untouchables in Indian society.

The untouchability is considered to be a serious crime as per Indian consttitution.In past the people of lower castes were considered to be untouchables and faced problems as under:

They were prohibited to reside in central areas of a city and were also prohibited in using public roads in daytime.

The faced restrictions in terms of food habits, adornment of jewellery and dress pat­terns  .

Their entry in  temples, theatres and educational institutions was also prohibited
They could not use the wells that were used by people of higher castes.


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Untouchability is the practice of ostracising a group by segregating them from the mainstream by social custom or legal mandate. The excluded group could be one that did not accept the norms of the excluding group and historically included foreigners, nomadic tribes, law-breakers and criminals and those suffering from a contagious disease. It could also be a group that did not accept change of customs enforced by a certain group. This exclusion was a method of punishing law-breakers and also protecting traditional societies against contagion from strangers and the infected. A member of the excluded group is known as an Untouchable.

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Untouchability and caste system
The system untouchability and its victims the untouchables of India cannot be understood in isolation from the Hindu caste system, for untouchability is a product of the Hindu caste system. The centuries old Hindu caste system of India, still remains as one of the major component of Indian social structure. Even though the caste system of India has undergone many changes due to historical factors like Muslim rule and British rules and its economic effects like the destruction of the self-sufficient village economy, industrialization etc, its influence over the Indian society and its role as an agency of social control in Indian villages are very strong and the dynamism of Indian society cannot be properly understood in isolation from its Hindu caste system.
There are hundreds of castes and sub-castes throughout India. But, broadly speaking, in a typical Indian village there would be three categories of castes namely: upper, middle and lower castes in the caste hierarchy. The members of the upper castes are considered superior in the caste hierarchy and a superior status is assigned to them under the Caste
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Untouchable, also called Dalit, officially Scheduled Caste, formerly Harijan, in traditional Indian society, the former name for any member of a wide range of low-caste Hindu groups and any person outside the caste system. The use of the term and the social disabilities associated with it were declared illegal in the constitutions adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India in 1949 and of Pakistan in 1953. Mahatma Gandhi called untouchables Harijans (“Children of the God Hari Vishnu,” or simply “Children of God”) and long worked for their emancipation. However, this name is now considered condescendingand offensive. The term Dalit later came to be used, though that too occasionally has negative connotations. The official designation Scheduled Caste is the most common term now used in India. Kocheril Raman Narayanan, who served as president of India from 1997 to 2002, was the first member of a Scheduled Caste to occupy a high office in the country.

Many different hereditary castes have been traditionally subsumed under the title untouchable, each of which subscribes to the social rule of endogamy (marriage exclusively within the caste community) that governs the caste system in general.

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Untouchability is also called DALITS
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