Mention the location and the functions of the following:
i. Granum
ii. Cones

Dear Student,

  • Location- Stack of thylakoids within the chloroplast of the cell is called granum. It contains a light-harvesting system for photosynthesis.
  • Functions- It has the functions of thylakoids i.e Thylakoids are the component of the chloroplast, they capture light energy or photons for the light reaction of photosynthesis.
  • Location- The retinas of our eyes have a large number of light-sensitive cells. These cells are of two types. One type of cell is cone-shaped, while the other type is rod-shaped. They are called cones and rods respectively.
  • Functions- The cones make it possible to distinguish between different colors. Colour blindness is a defect where a person is unable to distinguish between different colors. This is because he/she has defective cone cells.

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