Mention the location and the functions of the following:
i.leydig cells
ii. Guard cells
iii. Organ of corti

Dear Student,

i) Leydig cells are located between the seminiferous tubules of testis whereas sertoli cells are located within the seminiferous tubules.
​​​​Function of leydig cells is to secrete a class of hormones called androgens(mainly testosterone), by the action of LH (luteinising hormone) secreted by pituitary gland.
Function of sertoli cells
       1. provide nourishment to sperms
       2. secrete APC(androgen binding protein) which transports testosterone to developing sperms to aid their development.
       3. creation of hemato-testicular barrier

ii) Guard cells:
The guard cells are located in the stomatal apparatus. 
They regulate the opening and closing of the stomatal opening for the exchange of gases.

P.S. For the rest of the questions, kindly post them in a separate thread.


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