mention the role of hormones in contraception

Dear student.

The combined contraceptive pills contain synthetic progesterone called progestogens (progestins) and and synthetic estrogen (Ethinyl estradiol). They work by inhibiting ovulation and thickening the cervical mucus, thereby reducing sperm viability and penetration.
Their primary mechanism of action is that synthetic hormones taken in pills, suppress development of follicles and ovulation through negative feedback. Synthetic progesterone hormones through negative feedback suppress the release of Gonadotropin releasing hormones (GnRH) from hypothalamus and  so also decrease the release of Follicle stimulating horomone (FSH) and Lutenisisng hormone (LH) from anterior pituitary  which in turns reduce follicle development. The production of estrogen is greatly reduced in absence of developing follicles so ovulation is also halted  (in absence of LH surge  which is caused by high estrogen levels).  



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