Mention the ways in which the hydrosphere is important to life.

 The Hydrosphere is the liquid water component of the Earth. Hydrosphere, in physical geography, describes the combined mass of water found on, under, and over the surface of the planet. Hydrosphere, also called as the water sphere, includes all the water that can be found in the oceans, streams, glaciers, groundwater, the soil, lakes, and also in the air. Hydrosphere also interacts and also influenced by other earth spheres like the lithosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. The hydrosphere covers 70 percent of the Earth and is the home of some animals.  Hydrosphere is all water at near the  earth’s surface that is not chemically bound in rocks. The total volume of water at the earth near the surface or in the water is approximately 1,500,000,000 kilometers or 350,000,000 cubic miles, of which almost 99 percent is contained by the oceanic water layer and the remaining 1 percent of the hydrosphere is in the glacial ice, fresh water in lakes and rivers, and atmospheric water vapor (in decreasing order of quantity).

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Hydrosphere is important in our day to day life as it  has water which is essential for our survival.
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