Modulus function of |x-1|

Dear Student,
There question seems to be incomplete. Nothing is mentioned as to what to do. But I will briefly explain you about the function |x-1|.
1.Domain-  R
2.Range -   [0,)
3.Solution-  x=1 is the only solution of |x-1|=0
4.Slope-      The function decreases in (-,1) and increases in (1,)
If there was something else you intended to ask, kindly get back to us with the complete question.

Thanks & Regards.

  • 0
Question doesnt seem to be clear.
But still,
Domain = R
Range =[0,infinity)
  • 0
mod [x-1] > or equal to 0
x = +1
  • 1
What are you looking for?