Mr. Banerjee gave 1/4 of his property to his daughter, 1/6 of his property to each of his three sons and the remaining to charity. If the charity received Rs. 2,50,000 , what was the worth of the total property?[ Experts, please do not give a link related to this. Please just solve it ]

Let his property be x

Daughter got= 1/4x = 1x/4

1st son got= 1/6x = 1x/6

2nd son got= 1/6x = 1x/6

3rd son got= 1/6x = 1x/6

Charity got= x - (1x/4+1x/6+1x/6+1x/6)

Also, charity got = 250000

250000= x - (1x/4+1x/6+1x/6+1x/6)

LCM of 4, 6, 6, 6=12

x - (3x/12+2x/12+2x/12+2x/12) = 250000

x/1 - 9x/12 = 250000

12x - 9x/12 = 250000

3x = 250000*12

x = 3000000/3

x = 1000000

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