Muhammad bin Tughlaq undertook several experiments during his reign.what was the motivation behind these ? What were their results?

The following points may help you:

a. Muhammad Bin Tughalq was a great learned scholar.
b. He may be considered genius,  and brought about several experiments which were part of his ambitious plans,
c. We may give example how Muhammad Bin Tughlaq decided to shift his capital From Delhi to Devagiri in the Deccan renamed it Daulatabad​ to prevent Mongols attacks, that was his foresightedness, but he later re shifted back to Delhi, causing financial loss to the empire.
d. Likewise, ,imposition of high land taxes to meet the expenses of the army, also created resentment among the people.
e. His experiment with regard to introduction of bronze coins of the same value as silver coins to counter shortage of silver coins, was a sign of ingenuity but his failure to check the circulation of forged silver currency caused huge loss to the royal treasury.
f. Tuglaq's attempt to put nobility, ulleama on an equal footing with that of  common people was not appreciated.
g. Therefore in looking into his failed experiments, resulted in instability, breaking up of provinces.

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mohammed bin tuglaq , his original name Juna khan , undertook anbitious schemes but all turned out as a failure due to his impatient nature and poor judgement .

1.taxation in doab - during 1325 a.d mohammed bin tughlaq ordered all the peasants to pay half of their produce to the royal granary.but due to the unfortunate turn of events a famine broke out . many of the farmers were jailed and some ran away and died due to took a while after he came to know about this .

2.transfer of the capital-during 1326-27 he decided to move his capital from delhi to devagiri , his plan was good as it was almost the centreof india but he didnt forsee the rapid invasions of the mongols in delhi . this caused the mongols to constantly attack delhi , he quickly transferred back the capital, this lost him a great amount of wealth.

3.tokken currency change in 1330a.d-the treaury was getting emptied so mohammed bin tughlaq declared that copper coins would have the same value as gold and silver.but people took advantage of this and started minting it in their houses . soon the government couldnt differentiate between the original ones . so he had to pay back to the treasury causing another large sum to empty from his hands .

4.visionary plans - people started loosing trust on him . his plan for expeditions to qarachi and persia , as they were very long , cost lots of lives and treasure . the mongols had almost reached the gates of delhi .he took another wrong step by giving them money that caused them to invade more . thus , all people  , his nobes as well as the ulemas - people who were into learning islamic and were orthodox on their outlook lost trust in him .

he was suceeded by his cousin firoz shah tughlaq in 1352-1388 a.d.
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