My up coming U.T Syllabus for english grammer is Jumble words,Editing tasks And Connectors

Please provide me some examples and questions related to these. Please provide me this as early as possible because my ut is on 22/11.I have to practice


Dear Student!

Here are a few sample questions for your reference:

1.The following passage has not been edited and there is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct number.

Peer counseling can best be describe as a healthy  (a)  .....................................  

interaction within youngsters, whereby one performs  (b) ......................................

the role of the mentor, while the others seek guidance   (c) ......................................

through the much unfamiliar by-lanes of student life.    (d) .....................................


2. Following are some characteristics of student life but they are in jumbled form. Rearrange them into meaningful sentences.

i) Characterized/ labyrinth of  /decisions /is /by /a /student life /choices /and conflicts.

ii) Academic performance/ a toll/ course options/ juggling/ often takes/ between/ on youngsters/ and

iii) Often aid/ final decision/ peers/ you/ a/ can/ in making.

iv) Listening/ more/ their/ students are/ peers/  prone to/ to

v) Where you want/ typically/ where you are/ to head next/ as peers/ coming from/ know/ and.

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable sentence connectors.

i) He sold of his car______it was old.

ii) Read the instructions carefully _______ you start writing the answers.

iii) I was eating______my teacher came there.

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