Nacl+h2o+co2+ NH3 =NH4cl+x what are the gases liberated when dual hydrochloric acid reacts with 1.zinc 2.zinc carbonate . suggest the experiments to identify this gases dry hydrogen chloride gas does not exhibit acidic property why

Dear student ,
1.   2 HCl   +   Zn      ZnCl2   + H2  ( gas liberated is hydrogen )
Test :  when in the test tube of  the gas evolved a burning splinter is brought then a POP sound is produced 
2.  HCl   + ZnCO3       ZnCl2  + H2O   +  CO2 
Test :  on passing the evolved gas ( CO2) in lime water then it turns the lime water to milky 
3. Dry HCl does not have tendency to lose H+ ion so it can not be said to be an acid 

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