name the enzyme which converts

a)milk into curd

b)cane sugar onto glucose and fructose

c)glucose into ethanol

a. Lactobacillus converts Milk into curd.
b. Invertase breaks down cane sugar (sucrose) into glucose and fructose.
c. Zymase​ converts glucose into ethanol.

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Milk is converted into curd by the help of bacteria calledLactobacillus. These bacteria convert lactose present in the milk into lactic acid. The lactic acid coagulates the milk proteincaseinand results in the formation of curd. Thecaseinis present ascaseinogenand needs to be coverted into casein. The enzymereninis used to convert it intocaseinand thus help to convert milk into curd.

b)enzyme which converts cane sugar into glucose and fructose glucose isomerasezymaseconverts cane sugar into glucose and fructose
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