Name the factors on which the climate of a place depends ??

1. Distance from sea or ocean.
2. Presence of humidity in the atmosphere.
3. Distance from equator.
4. Altitude.
5. Latitude and longitude.
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dear friend ,
the factors are :
1 ] the presence or absence of water [ rainfall ] it gets .
2 ] amount of sunshine it gets .
3 ] the ability to transfer water to the atmosphere [ evaporation ] .
4 ] the place ----- whether it is hilly or a plain region .
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Windspeed ; temperature ; humidity ; rainfall .
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Temperature,humidity(amount of water vapour),speed and direction of wind,and air pressure,determine the weather of a place.
These factors are called elements of weather.
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Temperature , rainfall , humidity , wind speed.
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temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed etc
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Temperature,humidity,rainfall and speed and direction of wind
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The climate of a place can be decided by these factors: -Altitude of that place, -Distance from the sea, -Distance from the equator, -Winds flowing through that place
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Amount of sunlight
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On the earth,the climate of the place depends on many factors such as distance from the equator, height above the sea level, distance from the sea and mountains,and so on....
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