Name the following:

1. A condition opposite to turgidity.
2. Dispersal of seeds by explosive mechanism.
3. Loss of cell sap through hydathodes from the tip or margin of leaf is due to root pressure.
4. Loss of cell sap from the injured part of a plant.
5. Plant tissue through which ascent of sap takes place.
6. The condition of a cell placed in hypotonic solution.
7. Process by which water enters the root hairs.
8. The process by which molecules distribute themselves evenly within the space they occupy.
9. The pressure which is responsible for the movement of water molecules across the cortical cells of the root.
10. Process by which intact plant cells lose water in the form of droplets from leaf margins.
11. Movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low. concentration.
12. The phenomenon by which living or dead plant cells absorb water by surface attraction.

  1. Flaccidity
  2. Lady's finger
  3. Guttation
  4. Exudation
  5. Xylem
  6. turgid
  7. Osmosis
  8. Diffusion
  9. Root pressure
  10. Guttation
  11. Diffusion
  12. Imbibition

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