Name the various ways of excretion by plants?

Plants do not have special organs for excretion. They excrete waste material through various parts like leaves, roots, etc. 

  • Plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis while carbon dioxide during respiration as waste products which can be released outside through root cell walls, stomata and other routes. 
  • The excess water absorbed from roots is also lost through stomata via transpiration. Gums, resins, etc are stored in old xylem tissues as a waste product.
  • Waste product is also stored in leaves that fall. 
  • Roots also release some substances into the soil as excretory products. 

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plant Excretes In Different Ways-- 
1:Through Leaves 
2:Through Stems 
3:Through Roots 
4:Through Shedding

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  1. Plants can get rid of excess water by transpiration.
  2. Excess Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide can be removed through stomata.
  3. Some waste products can be stored in leaves,which fall off.
  4. Some other waste products can be stored in dead cells like xylem
  5. Some waste products can be released by plant onto the soil
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Excretion is carried out in the plants in the following ways:

1. The gaseous wastes, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour are removed through stomata of leaves and lenticels of stems.

2. Some waste products collect in the leaves and bark of trees. When the leaves and bark are shed, the wastes are eliminated.

3. Some waste products are rendered harmless and then stored in the plant body as solid bodies. Raphides, tannins, resins, gum, rubber and essential oils are some such wastes.

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