Name two useful substance which are produced by the treatment of sewage ? State their uses.

Hey Sujal!!!  : )
Here Is The Answer:

The Two Useful Substance Produced By Treatment Of Sewage Are Biogas and manure
  • The biogas can be used as a fuel or can be used to produce electricity.
  • Manure is used in agriculture as a fertiliser.

Hope It Helps You!!!

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good day biscuit and parle g G forGenius
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lear to answer like me bros
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Hey Sujal!!!  : )
Here Is The Answer:

The Two Useful Substance Produced By Treatment Of Sewage Are Biogas and manure
The biogas can be used as a fuel or can be used to produce electricity.
Manure is used in agriculture as a fertilis er.

Hope It Helps You!!!
  • 3
plant sewage sewage treatment is the process of removing contanainants from waste water primarily from house hold sewage physical chemical and biological processes are used to remove contaninants are produced  treated wast water that is safer for the enviroment
  • 1
frtilisers and biogas
  • -3
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