nearly all the major multinationals are American, Japanese or European such as Nike, coca cola, Pepsi, Honda ,nokia why is it so?

* industrialization began in europe and then later it spread to america and japan* hidesign india became independent the big companies of these countries has already become financially reliable and strong* the immense wealth of the MNC exceeds the budgets of even the developing countries for the developing countries can effort ultra rich mncs.* this is the reason why major multinational such as like a coca cola pepsi honda and nokia are european american or japaness companies.
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Hi,This is because all these nations are very prosperous and they have the money for future investment.Thanks
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*industrialization began in europe and then later it spread to america and japan* hidesign india became independent the big companies of these countries has already become financially reliable and strong* the immense wealth of the MNC exceeds the budgets of even the developing countries for the developing countries can effort ultra rich mncs.* this is the reason why major multinational such as like a coca cola pepsi honda and nokia are european american or japaness companies.
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