NX is produced by the following step of reactions


M + X2   ------>  MX 2

MX2 + X2 ------>  M3X 8

M3X+ N2CO3 ------>   NX + CO2 + M3O 4

How much M (metal) is consumed to produce 206gm of NX. (Take at wt of M=56, N=23, X=80)


Dear student!
We have ,

M3X8 + N2CO3 ---> NX + CO2 + M3O4 

Here, we can see that, 1 mole of M3X8 produces = 1 mole of NX 

Since molecular weight of M3X8 = 56 x3 + 80 x 8 = 808  and, NX = 23 + 80 =103 

So, we can say that, 103 gm of NX is produced by = 808 gm of M3X8  

So, 206 gm NX will be produced by = 808/103 x 206= 1616gm of M3X8  

Now, as 808 gm of M3X8 contains = 168 gm M metal , 

so, 1616 gm of M3X8 will contain = 168/808 x 1616 = 336 gm of metal.

Hence, 336 gm of metal will be consumed to produce 206 gm of NX compound.  

  • -159
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