on analysis , it was found that the black oxide of copper , red oxide of copper , litherage, the red oxide of lead and peroxide of lead contain 79.90%, 88.8%, 92.88%, 90.6% and 86.6% respectively of the metal. establish the law of multiple proprotions with the help of data

First calculate the  mass of metals combined with fixed mass of oxygen.

For Black oxide of Cu

79.9 parts metal combines with 20.1 parts of O.


1 part Oxygen will combine = 79.9/20.1 =3.9 part of metal..


For red oxide..

1part O will combine = 88.8/11.2 =7.9 parts metal..


There is a fixed mass of O in both the oxides.

Ratio of masses of Cu in both case = 3.9:7.9 

The simplest ratio...


Hence it establish the low of multiple proportion.


Similarly you can calculate for oxides of Pb.

Try yourself and in case you face any problem do get back to us.

good luck.

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