on his 13th birthday a boy is decided to distribute blankets to poor people instead giving party to his friends half of the blanket hedistribute in an old age home,three fourth of the remaining is an orphanage and rest20 were distributed to te road side beggars .find the no of the blanket he had.what values are bieng promoted

Let the total no.of blankets be x
He distributed half in old age home
so now half was left
out of that half he distributed 3/4 in orphanage
So,the left was 1/4 which is= 20(given in question)
if 1 /4 was 20 then 3/4 is =60
therefore total half is 80 and we need to add the rest half part too
Therefore,the total no. of blankets is 160

To verify,
160is the total amount
half of 160 us 80
so 80 distributed in old age home
left is 80 blankets
1/4 of 80 is 20

the value is careness
hope this helps u thumbs up plz

  • 12
sorry question is not clear
  • -2
the ans is 160 and Punya there is nothing wrong in the question
  • 6
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