On the basis of electronic configuration how will you classify-
1.chemically similar elements
2. the first element of a period
3. a group of alkali metals
4.a group of halogens
5.a group of inert gases

1) The elements with same valence shell electronic configuration will be chemically similar because chemical properties of an element are determined mainly by valence shell configuration.

2) Each period of the periodic table begins with the filling of a new shell.Therefore, the first element of each period will have only one outermost electron.

3) Alkali metals have outer shell configuration of ns1

4) Halogens have outer shell configuration of ns2np5

5) Inert gases gave complete outermost shells.These have outer shell configuration of ns2np6

  • 15

1 .if the valence eletrons are same they are chemiccally similiar 

2.the metal elmnt with valence elctron1 the elment is first in the period

3. valence elctrons 1,2 in (na=2.8,1 k=2,8,8,1 .. calcium=2,8,8,2 mg=2,8,2)

4. the no of valence elctrns is 7 then it is a halogen

5.the valence elctron is 0 or comlpltly filled shells they are inert gases(ar)

hope this helsp u

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